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80 Surprising Relationship Facts and Statistics

Sophie Simons
January 23, 2024

The pandemic challenged love for a quick second, but couples found new ways to relate to each other and strengthen their relationships. Of course, there were casualties, but more importantly, there were lessons. 

The facts below are eye-opening, alarming, and reassuring for people in existing relationships and those planning to plunge right in. 

80 Relationship Facts and Statistics Every Couple Should Know

  1. Being in a loving and supportive relationship impacts one’s mental health positively, but single people are better off than their unhappy but partnered counterparts. (Source: NIH)
  2. In relationships, men tend to fall in love faster than women. (Source: Tandfonline.com
  3. The dating landscape has not been the same in the last ten years. 47% of Americans opine it is more challenging now than a decade ago, 19% feel it’s easier to find mates today, and 33% think nothing much has changed in the last decade. (Source: Pew Research)
  4. Almost 3 in 10 Americans have used dating apps, with 40% feeling these platforms have made dating easier. 75% of male users say link-ups from dating apps led to exclusive relationships, while only 66% of females had such luck. (Source: Pew Research)
  5. Both men and women cohabiting value sexual satisfaction before other aspects of a relationship. Women value interpersonal closeness as a close second. (Source: NIH)
  6. 64% of Americans are happy in their relationships, while 19% are ‘somewhat unhappy.’ (Source: PRNews Wire
  7. 3 in 10 American adults are single but at various stages of life. 47% of those polled were below 30, while only 21% of those aged 30 to 49 reported being single. Of those polled, 57% were not interested in changing statuses. (Source: Pew Research)
  8. Women, especially college-educated ones, have more exacting expectations in relationships and dating than their male counterparts, making it harder for them to find their ideal partners. (Source: Survey Centre on American Life
  9. A YouGov Survey revealed that about 34% of Americans prefer a relationship that is not entirely monogamous. Most of these respondents were below 45, with their older counterparts choosing to keep things monogamous. (Source: You Gov)
  10.  One of the longest-running Harvard University studies found that men in warm, loving relationships at 50 and above are generally happy and healthier at 80. (Source: Harvard)
  11. Relationships are gradually changing so that at least 14 million Americans cohabit without marriage. At least 23% of these are 50 or older and could have been married once. (Source: Pew Research)
  12. 70% of the adults in Britain are in relationships. (Source: YouGov UK
  13. At least 6 in 10 US adults have been in long-distance relationships, and nearly 60% are in successful relationships. (Source: Study Finds)
  14. Ever thought of looking for love amongst peers on LinkedIn? Turns out that 3 in 5 adults aged 35 and above have found love on this professional networking site. (Source: Study Finds)
  15. You will likely be happier in your relationship if you share laughs and a sense of humor. (Source: Anthem)
  16. You might also be more anxious than normal at the beginning of a romantic relationship, especially if you are uncertain how your partner feels about you. (Source: Healthline)
  17. Most people in a relationship hope it ends up in marriage. (Source: Healthline
  18. Those in healthy relationships are healthier than their single counterparts. (Source: Better Health)
  19. Is your relationship exclusive? At least 48% of people in relationships wait until they are exclusive to have sex. 34% of singles have no qualms about putting out on the first date. (Source: Healthline)
  20.  Relationships are thriving out here, with at least 64% of people polled reporting to be happy. (Source: PR Newswire
  21. Most people agree that effective communication patterns with their significant others improve their relationships. Relationships have been reported to thrive when couples learn to communicate effectively. (Source: NIH)
  22. Working out consistently, whether together or apart, has health benefits for people in relationships, thanks to the release of endorphins. (Source: Sage Journals
  23. Want a healthy relationship? Tell your partner you love them at least four times a week and watch things change. (Source: Bustle)
  24. You will be happier if you return the respect you want from your partner. Respect was seen in a study as the glue that held healthy relationships together. (Source: Marriage.com)
  25. Over 30% of coupled-up people expect a gift from their partners on Valentine’s Day but may pretend that it is nothing. (Source: Statista)
  26.  People have been finding love online and starting committed relationships, but it helps to lower your expectations based on one’s profile. Women admitted to using older, more flattering photos, while men lied about their jobs. (Source: Huffington Post)
  27. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, the club might just be the place for you. 36% of people polled in a survey met at the club and found lasting love. (Source: Morning Advertiser)
  28. Most people will be together for at least two years before deciding to be together forever or breaking up. (Source: Life Hack)
  29. A Forbes study revealed that 76% of people in a relationship have difficulty breaking up with their significant others. Most admitted to ‘ghosting’ them instead of having a proper talk. (Source: Forbes Health)
  30. The COVID pandemic had casualties, but 53% of couples said their relationships were not adversely affected. They used the lessons to build stronger bonds. (Source: Pew Research)
  31. 48% of Americans have not embraced open relationships as they feel they would rather commit or leave. (Source: Pew Research)
  32. Three-quarters of senior citizens who are widowed or divorced are not shying away from new relationships and love, but they are not as [pressed as their younger counterparts to find love. They are in it for companionship but would do just fine if they found none. (Source: Pew Research)
  33. People differ in what they want out of relationships, but sexual satisfaction is one of the indicators of happiness in a relationship. (Source: NIH)
  34. Couples who speak candidly about sex have better chances of happiness and overall satisfaction than those who shy away from the topic. (Source: Research Gate)
  35. Some people joke about Bumble, but it has produced lasting relationships. 39% of those polled said they found love on this site. (Source: Bumble)
  36. Monogamy has had its time, but presently, more people are open to a relationship that is anything but it. (Source: You Gov)
  37. Drinking all night was all the rage, but more people are opting to be in relationships where both partners prioritize self-care. They are looking at mental checks, working out for physical and mental benefits, and eating right. Hello, game-changer! (Source: Tinder Newsroom)
  38. You will be happier in your relationship if you acknowledge your partner’s feelings. (Source: Huffington)
  39. More couples in romantic relationships are choosing to create lasting memories rather than spend thousands of dollars on traditional dates. (Source: Psychology Today)
  40. More people support the ‘get who gets you’ mantra when looking for romantic relationships. They agree that getting with someone with similar hobbies and likes catalyzes a healthy relationship. (Source: Psychology Today)
  41. A relationship will likely last longer and graduate to something more meaningful if you are matched by people in your circles. (Source: Sage Journals)
  42. People in long-distance relationships visit each other at least once a month or less but communicate regularly – even daily, which is how they keep things going. (Source: Today)
  43. If you thought meaningful relationships were only for adults, you would be surprised to learn at least 35% of teenagers have tried them, and they are not necessarily sex-driven. (Source: Act of Youth)
  44. Young male adults are keen on love, with 63% of college-going men professing to prefer committed relationships to casual links. (Source: Yugo)
  45. Millennials would rather be alone than settle for anyone. 40% feel settling just for the sake of it would be more detrimental to one’s mental health than loneliness. (Source: Y-Pulse
  46. Of high school sweethearts, 14% of relationships are with someone you met at high school. (Source: The Chant)
  47. Millennials are the game-changing lot that will not accept what was passed on just for the sake of it. They are committing to relationships, alright, but they are keen for things to fall into place before they can commit. (Source: Gottman)
  48. There is a rise in interracial relationships. (Source: US Census Bureau)
  49. The biggest threat to today’s relationships is cybersex and online flirting. (Source: Research Gate)
  50. Not all relationships are rosy. Surveys show an alarming number of men and women are in abusive relationships. (Source: NCBI)
  51. 53% of American adults have been in 5-year-long relationships at least once. (Source: Pew Research)
  52. A typical relationship lasts 2 years before the couple decides to move on. (Source: Daily Mail)
  53. Couples are meeting and choosing cohabitation when it’s time to make the next move. 8,056,993 people are living together. (Source: Cosmopolitan)
  54. How many relationships will you be in before finding the one? A study of 2,000 people found out men will be with at least 7 people and women 5 before locking in the right partner. (Source: Her)
  55. Teen relationships aren’t always as casual as would be expected. A study showed they last between 5 and 18 months at various teen life stages. (Source: University of Florida)
  56. A study found that the typical age gap in most relationships is 2.3 years. While most relationships are unaffected by these gaps, couples over 15 years apart could have difficulty finding things in common. (Source: PsyCom
  57. If you can power through the first four months of a long-distance relationship, you might make it to the end. (Source: SWNS Digital)
  58. Your looks could determine whether your relationship lasts or not, according to 67% of people polled. Dishevelled looks were rated the top relationship breakers, while laziness came in second. (Source: Bustle)
  59. Being too needy can strain a relationship as it leads to the loss of boundaries. (Source: Innovative Match)
  60. Low sex drive in one partner could cause a strain in a relationship as the other partner feels they could be contributing to it. (Source: Healthline)
  61. When people in a relationship fight, it mainly shows they still care enough to be concerned about how things are moving and are comfortable enough to raise issues. How you fight is all that matters. (Source: KCRI)
  62. Pheromones, also called ‘love chemicals,’ could lead to sexual attraction, but you’ve got to be willing to put in the work after that for the relationship to thrive. (Source: WebMD)
  63. Heterosexual couples that do chores together stay together. They’re happier since the women in these relationships feel supported. (Source: Daily Mail)
  64. Finances will always be a pertinent issue in relationships, so instead of spending it all on material things, experiences could increase your overall happiness as a couple. (Source: Forbes)
  65. Having a joint account as a couple shows trust in each other and the relationship and could make you stronger. (Source: Kellogg Insight)
  66. Pets could improve the quality of your relationship… And your health. Think of the runs and walks you do with your dogs and all the petting that is certainly good for the soul. (Source: NIH)
  67. A flexible work schedule that leads to a good life-work balance is a recipe for a healthy relationship. (Source: NCBI)
  68. Couples of the same social class seem to thrive better in relationships. (Source: Psychology Today)
  69. Partners that can read between the lines do better in relationships. Your partner may not always express themselves verbally, so it helps to know when they could need the help they are not asking for. (Source: ATIC)
  70. Small, thoughtful gestures could do more for your relationship than you think. (Source: Connect)
  71. Relationships are less strained when people have similar traits, e.g., emotionality, humility, agreeableness, and honesty. (Source: Forbes)
  72.  Flirting with each other could revive the sparks in a lackluster relationship. (Source: Psychology Today)
  73. Pet names are a term of endearment that makes a couple feel special to each other. (Source: Scientific American)
  74. A good way to keep your sex life in your relationship burning hot is by being physically active. Studies show that physical activity that raises the heartbeat will drive blood to the nether regions. (Source: WebMD)
  75. Single mothers are 10 times more likely to get into stable relationships faster than any other group of singles because they already know what they want in a partner. (Source: Bonobology
  76. If you are in a long-distance relationship and sleeping on good morning and good night texts, you are doing your relationship an injustice, as these are said to ignite joy in the recipient’s brain. (Source: How Stuff Works)
  77. Touch is an underrated source of joy for partners in healthy relationships. (Source: Gary Brown
  78. On handling chores together or at least dividing them between you two, resentment builds up rapidly when one party isn’t helping. (Source: ABC)
  79. A study showed women who earn more than their partners are loyal and faithful. (Source: Fortune)
  80. While it’s good to have some similarities, and you might, in fact, thrive when you have similar characteristics, experts find that two people who are too similar in their personalities might not do too well in a relationship. (Source: Daily Mail)


Everyone wants that one relationship that meets all or almost all their needs. While that is possible, it takes work from both parties to make the ideal situation work. Compromises are necessary, and sometimes, as we have seen in these facts, one may have to shed the illusion of an ‘ideal partner.’

Remember, you get as much as you bring to the table, so are you putting in the work? 

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Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons is a leading psychologist with a passion for enriching relationships. Through empathetic counseling and insightful guidance, she empowers couples and individuals to foster deeper connections, resolve conflicts, and create lasting harmony. Sophie's expertise in relationship advice has touched countless lives, making her a trusted source for building fulfilling partnerships.

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