Matilda Alvarez

Matilda Alvarez

I am a professional writer and editor based in Melbourne, Australia. I am a researcher in the environmental sciences and have a passion for the natural world, wellness, and the written word. Through my studies and freelancing career, I have become well-practiced in creating engaging, concise, and digestible prose for readers to enjoy. In my spare time, I enjoy practicing yoga, and meditation, exploring beautiful Australian landscapes, and reading a good book.

5 Signs of Trauma Bonding You Need To Know
Being in a relationship, the worst that can occur is encountering a trauma bond. But surprisingly, many people don’t even…
9 Signs Your Ex Will Never Come Back
Relationships can be one of the most incredible moments in someone’s life. It is a time of romance, connection, trust,…
3 Main Signs the Universe Wants You To Be With Someone
The universe works in enigmatic ways. Sometimes, it’s difficult to see what is in front of your eyes. A person…
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Love Advice
Dating, Relationship and Marriage Advice That Works

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