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6 Unbelievable Reasons Why Men Love Thick Women

Sophie Simons
February 20, 2024

“A woman with a perfect body, filled in places that are, by nature, designed to attract the opposite sex, such as the thighs, the hips, the breasts, and the most lovely part of all, the booty.” – credit to the Urban Dictionary offering an expanded definition for the word “thick”

While many women are busy trying to fit the mold of slender models, they view in publications, and men find something extra about their thick counterparts. 

That’s not to say that skinny girls are unattractive or that there’s not an audience for them. Many admire this group, but it seems the majority are swooning over the ladies who offer a sexier, voluptuous physique. Why do men find curves more appealing than a thin frame?

The consensus is that the curvy women have an allure, a seductive appeal that other women lack.  

The Key Reasons Men Love Thick Women

While women are of the mindset that men prefer a slender body that they can wrap their arms around or light enough to pick up, that’s probably only true for a small portion of the male population. Many men enjoy the thick ladies, feeling that their bodies are the ideal female form with curves in all the right places. That includes the thighs, booty, hips, and breasts.

Part of the reason men find curvy women so appealing is they consider the round, soft body shape more feminine than a toned, tight, thin frame. The thick role models promote a culture of body positivity with active lifestyles and nutritious meal plans. More people appreciate a healthy, self-confident, and happy woman who enjoys life, and this comes in a thick package.

You’re wondering why men nowadays prefer curves on a woman’s body. Here are some reasons men give for this preference.

1. Dining should be a pleasurable experience

Eating is among life’s greatest pleasures. Most couples enjoy a meal and conversation as a way to connect when dating, and after the relationship progresses, dining together is a romantic treat. Of course, we all need to follow a healthy wellness regimen of fitness and a nutritious meal plan. However, a stringent diet should never be your entire focus.

No man wants to plan a dinner date to be the only one ordering a few courses while his mate finishes with the salad. A curvy woman will enjoy the entire evening, offering good company and shared dining.

2. Cheerfulness spills over when you’re happy with life

Men like that thick women are always smiling and cheerful. These women are happy in their lives, and they share their joy with the world around them. Men know when they’re having a bad day or need to be uplifted, and this girl will turn things around for them. She’s nurturing and comforting in her spirit, something most men appreciate from the women around them.

With the hectic pace faced by most men on the business front, it’s refreshing to have the tranquility offered by a woman who feels beautiful and satisfied. It can motivate and encourage men to move forward in their own lives.

3. There’s no denying the curves

Men are typically either more about breasts or the booty, sometimes both, but usually one or the other. Whichever they choose, the eyes will invariably fall on this area without distraction and focus there when it draws their attention. These areas add to the woman’s sex appeal, and they’re alluring and seductive.

When cuddling with the woman you love, men like something to hold onto. They enjoy exploring the soft shapes and lines that make the woman unique. It’s much more exciting and enticing when the body has hills and valleys instead of a straight, slender form.

This woman is a pleasure to touch, see, feel, and smell. She exudes femininity. The hugs are those a man can get lost in, leading him to his ultimate passion.

4. Fertility is synonymous with the curvy ladies

Men instinctively view thick women as naturally capable of bearing and birthing healthy babies. Wide hips and larger breasts are associated with fertility. While not all men are ready when they meet their companion to have children immediately, most consider the long term and whether this person would make a good mother.

Many compare their curvy mate with their mothers and most thick women have comparable qualities including generosity, a giving, helpful nature, a desire to take care of those around them. Some men long to be cared for by the women they love.

5. A sign of a healthy lifestyle

The thick body is considered the perfect form. The curvy woman considers wellness as a priority.. She engages in regular activity and indulges in a nutritious diet. Men recognize this as a much healthier life choice compared to some slim women who tend to follow stringent diet programs that can deprive the body of vital nutrients and a too-rigorous fitness regimen that takes a toll on their bodies.

The curvy woman is not trying to shape her body into something it’s not. She’s putting the body she has in its best shape. This is a much healthier mindset and offers more realistic results that men find more attractive.

6. Men find greater compatibility

Muscular men, tall men, larger men find curvy women to be a compliment on their arms. A tall, muscular man might feel less comfortable with a small-framed woman, having a fear that he might hurt her in an intimate moment. A woman with curves is more physically compatible in these relationships. Intimacy is relaxed and easy.


While it seems a majority of men in our culture today prefer women with a thicker body, it doesn’t negate the fact that women are stunning in every shape and size when they’re comfortable in their skin. Each deserves to be loved for who she is beyond the scrutiny of online platforms where typically unattainable standards are forced, creating a struggle with confidence. Our uniqueness and the differences are our true beauty. Men see this and appreciate it.

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Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons is a leading psychologist with a passion for enriching relationships. Through empathetic counseling and insightful guidance, she empowers couples and individuals to foster deeper connections, resolve conflicts, and create lasting harmony. Sophie's expertise in relationship advice has touched countless lives, making her a trusted source for building fulfilling partnerships.

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