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4 Reasons Why You Ghosted Someone You Liked and What To Do

Sophie Simons
March 7, 2024

Ghosting refers to cutting off contact or communication with someone, especially in the context of social interaction and relationships, without any warning or explanation.

But that’s just a general definition of ghosting! 

Have you actually experienced ghosting someone? And even when you liked that person? And then you regret and think, “Why did I do that?” “What to do in this situation?”

Well, it might be possible that you find difficulties with emotional intimacy or have an avoidant attachment style.

Being emotionally vulnerable may be overwhelming, so you perhaps decide to ghost someone when you are unsure about navigating your feelings.

Several studies even revealed that people have love-hate relationships with mobile dating apps, and they frequently delete these apps from their phones and start ghosting due to uncertainty.

Let’s explore more about the possible reasons why you ghost someone when you like them and what steps to take!

4 Potential Reasons You Ghosted Someone You Liked

Ghosting is undeniably a famous term in mass media — contributing to baffling many with its unclearness as a dissolution strategy.

Sometimes, your relationship even suffers and goes from best friends to silent ends.

But what could be the reasons behind this attitude? Are there any insecurities, uncertainties, or personal fears? Let’s find out.

1. Uncertainty

When you’re not sure about your feelings or the emotions of the other person, you may choose to ghost them instead of confronting the potential awkwardness and uncertainty. 

Perhaps you pull away because you don’t want to express how you feel. You might experience anxiety, doubt, and mixed feelings of attraction at the same time, which is quite confusing.

To overcome this, taking some time to think about your sentiments would help.

Plus, try to communicate openly and seek understanding by all possible means. Meanwhile, it’s important to protect yourself from that person in case they’re showing the mare minimum interest in you.

2. Fear of Confrontation

You have feelings and passionately love a person. But whenever you want to confess, you fail. Sounds like a familiar situation? 

It can be because you find it tough to kickstart the conversation. Or else, you’re fearful of the fact that they have the right to deny.

You’ve got questions in your mind like: “What if they deny?” “Will that person understand my feelings?” Or, “Is he or she even interested?”

When you don’t get answers to these queries, it leaves you in confusion — persuasion you to ghost them right away.

3. Avoidance of Drama or Conflict 

Another potential reason for ghosting someone can be a desire to avoid unnecessary drama or conflicts. Yes, you read that right.

Some people feel that if they express their feelings, it will lead to confrontation. Thoughts like how they react may terrify you.

And to avoid that, they decide to vanish into the air instead without letting anyone know. 

If that is the case with you, you can approach conflicts in a constructive and calm manner. Just focus on exploring a resolution in spite of avoiding this problem.

4. Lack of Interest or Connection

Not every person is worth considering for a smooth connection, and that’s a fact. 

Even if you like someone, you might feel like your vibes aren’t matched with him/her, and this can leave you in a never-ending battle with yourself.

On the contrary, you may decide to ghost if the other person doesn’t show equal affection or interest.

You initially thought that they were interested, but they were actually not.

Lack of chemistry, weak connection, and different values — all combined make you ghost that person you love. 

Here, you need to express your feelings kindly and clearly and allow them to move on.

Effective List Of Things To Do In This Situation

Reflect on Your Actions

Deeply consider why you ghosted them and what the actual reason was. 

Was it due to external circumstances or unresolved feelings? Or was it fear of commitment that stopped you?

The answers lie within your heart and actions. Try to understand your motives more clearly so you can avoid such behavior in the near future.

Believe me, self-awareness really helps in healthy relationships and personal growth.

Apologize and Communicate

See, you ghosted the person you liked, and you admit that, right? 

So, there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to them, starting communication, and then apologizing to them. It actually shows your respect and maturity towards the other person’s feelings.

At the same time, be ready for every type of reaction; they will probably accept your apology, but the chances of denial are also there.

No matter how they react, you need to be positive. Cooperation is the key!

Learn from the Experience

Whatever happened, happened! Let go of the situation, but don’t forget to learn from this experience. This situation happened to teach you something.

Consider how your words or sudden disappearance affected that person, and improve yourself.

Be honest in your future relationships, and learn from your past mistakes. You need to save your future interactions from the same experience.

Move Forward Positively

According to a study, being ghosted and attachment anxiety are highly associated with each other. And it will make you worried when you see the other person going through it.

That said, you have to be kind and move forward positively rather than putting the blame on the other person for your own mistakes and behavior.

Develop better relationship habits and focus more on your communication skills.

Meanwhile, don’t be guilty, as regretful feelings of ghosting can make you suffer in the long run. Just apologize and move on with your life.

How to Apologize To Someone You Ghosted

If you want to apologize after ghosting them, you’re taking responsibility for what you did, which is a great attitude.

Deep down, they may be happy that you have owed up to ghosting that person. Follow these quick 4 steps to apologize in a good way:

Step 1: Determine what you did

Step 2: Consider the specific reasons for ghosting them

Step 3: Know that the other person might not accept your apology – be ready for all kinds of responses

Step 4: Prepare a nice apology

Here’s an example of the text of how you can apologize to them:

“Hey, I understand we have not spoken for a while. Just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for my behavior. I realize that this was selfish and immature of me, and you deserved some explanation. I don’t expect any reply, but I would like to apologize for what I did.”

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Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons

Sophie Simons is a leading psychologist with a passion for enriching relationships. Through empathetic counseling and insightful guidance, she empowers couples and individuals to foster deeper connections, resolve conflicts, and create lasting harmony. Sophie's expertise in relationship advice has touched countless lives, making her a trusted source for building fulfilling partnerships.

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